If you already saw some of other posts every time I wear blazers or something that is considered to be formal I always wear a hoodie underneath, because if I wear it alone it's too formal for school.

H&M blazer - Primark bag and jeggings - Doctor Martern's boots
Without the blazer the outfit becomes sporty
I painted my nails with OPI Time-less Is More and coat of transparent glitter from a brand that I don''t really know

A little snack between classes

Playing with panoramic: a pick of my school and the P.E lockers

I walk by here everyday to go back home, there's actually a main street in the other side of this building, but I like not seeing people for 20 seconds. And at the end of alley there's a lovely tree :)

eheh my pets Luna and Isa.

And a Ferrari I saw the other day...